Saturday, November 19, 2011

30 Days of Thankful: Day 19--God

Dear Father God,

Thank you for this day, which you made for me 37 years ago. Thank you for giving me such a blessed life. I thank you for my loving and supportive Mama and Daddy and their example of love. You blessed my life so deeply with Gayla and James II; they are the most amazing people to have for a sister and brother. Thank you also for Dana, James III and William; they are my joy.

Thank you also for Chad and Darby; you obviously knew what you were doing to direct our paths as you did. Thank you for loving and believing in us.

Father, I also thank you for Sosie and her family. They are amazing people who I am so proud to know and love. Thank you for our "Boys" and for opening our hearts so many years ago to such a beautiful friendship turned family.

God, thank you for all of our extended family and friends. The lives you have given to us are so beautiful. I also am so very grateful for Kevin and Evan and the business we are building. You really blessed me when you crossed our paths.

Lord, I thank you for the education I have and the home I am building with Chad and Darby. I thank you for the talents you bestowed on me as well as the need to always be learning. Thank you for knowing our needs and providing for us. You are amazing and your love is extravagant.

Love, your child,

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