Monday, September 26, 2011

Mama, Mommy, Mother, Goddess...

Growing up, I was always told, "You look just like your mama." I would say thank you and just beam because, in my mind, my mama is the most perfect, beautiful woman in the world. It isn't just because of her gorgeous skin or cute little nose; my mama has the most amazing heart. Her sense of humor can keep me in stitches for hours. Plus, Mama is freaking brilliant! She reads constantly and absorbs knowledge like a dry sponge. I have watched my mama jump a fence to save a baby from plunging into a pool. I can remember at least three runt cats and a mangy stray poodle that she brought home because she was going to give them the home they deserved. I know she's given to those in need almost as much as she's used to raise us kiddos to adulthood. Brenda Moore is an amazing woman, and I am lucky to have learned so much about how to be a good mother, wife and daughter from her.

Now don't think I live in a fantasy world. We have had our down moments too. If there is one person in this world I can ever say I have truly fought with, it would be that same woman I admire so much. That, I guess you could say, is the down side to being so much alike. We are opinionated and strong willed. Part of being successful for us both is that when we set a goal, we are dogged to annoyance in order to reach our desired outcome. I like to think that it's our passion for our beliefs that drive us. Others might see it differently. However, luckily, we really don't give a flip most of the time what "others" are up to.

All this love fest brings us to this week's listography--The Ten Greatest TV Moms of [My] Time. I've only been watching TV for three decades or so. Therefore I realize I am limited. Please feel free to educate me in the comments about your ten great mothers.

1. Carol Brady--Although I think Alice did the bulk of the mothering, she did manage to make it fashionable (I'll overlook that you had an affair with your "kid" this time).
2. Marrion Cunningham--She was the right kind of clueless that kids like my husband would have enjoyed. Her sweet nature made her a push over but also quite comfortable.
3. Clair Huxtable--Girl, you made being a sassy mom look good! I liked that she kept the eyes in the back of her head carefully concealed with great hair!
4. Rosanne Conner--Sure, you may have had a grandchild before your teen was out of the house and fought tooth and nail with your hubby, but sometimes the best example of what not to do it as good a preventative as any. Plus, it was nice to see real life creep into TV land. Life isn't perfect but you survive by keeping a sense of humor.
5. Kitty Forman--You taught me that a little greasing of the wheels occasionally can make the most unruly spouse and child seem almost comical. Plus playing the ditz gets you out of anything too taxing.
6. Marge Simpson--You are a goddess! You put up with and still love the strangest family in America. Plus, anyone who can survive more than 20 years of dirty diaper years with a baby that never ages deserves an award of some kind.
7. Cam Tucker--Modern Family's stay-at-home-dad gets an honorary mother award for teaching me that making songs up to teach a lesson keeps you from yelling what you really want to say. “Take a bite of an apple / Take a bite of a pear / Take a bite of a cookie that you left over there / But there is one thing you should never do / Is take a bite of Billy or Brandon or Sue / People aren’t food / People aren’t food / They won’t play with you / If they think they're going to be chewed / And on a side note, private parts are private.”
8. Camille Braverman--You let me know that after many years of making to wrong choices or oopsy-ing my way to her adulthood, when it's Darling Daughter's turn to parent, I will have better answers for her than I do now.
9. Mary Cooper--Lord knows raising Sheldon was not easy. However, you did something right because all his friends have to do to get him into line is make one little call to you. That's grit!
10. Angela Rizzoli--I dream of having a daughter who can hold her own and still have a heart of gold. You did good girl! You did good!

Who else makes your list of greatest TV moms of all time?



  1. You got em all, in my opinion, but Claire Huxtable is my fave!!

  2. Always did have a blind spot about your mom's imperfections. But one thing is for sure, if I ever had any doubt ( and I did not) you proved who you belonged to six months ago dear sweet champion of a child. By the way just saw that foot! Do not do that again! Love you!
