Wednesday, July 18, 2012

J-Me and DD: Up All Night Concert Tour DVD Review

Well, this is what I get for being puny and sending the Girl Child to the store with Grandma and LaLa. They come home with the DVD concert tour for One! I do have to say this wonderful girl child of mine did turn me on to being a Beiber fan so I may like these little buggers too.

Poor Darling Daughter is so in crazy One Direction love that she tried everything and blew up a ton of minutes trying to win tickets when they were in Dallas a few weeks ago. Part of me felt badly for her and the larger portion was relieved she couldn't
get tickets so I didn't have to stress about her going to Fair park ... scary.

About five minutes into the DVD tonight, I realized Grandma did me a solid. Girl child gets to experience the concert, and we don't have to fight traffic, screaming teeny boppers nor $7.50 sodas. DD did tell me she could start screaming if it made me feel more like we were at a concert. Pass!

Just to prove we were cool like that. I insisted we give ourselves facials while watching. Come on...everyone needs beautiful skin to go along with their concert experience.

My review: Cute kids...solid talent...could have done without the nakey behind the scene shots. OOGY! I have to say it was super duper nice to sit next to a smiling and singing darling daughter for a couple of hours.

Darling Daughter's Review: On a scale of one to ten, INFINITY...don't judge; we attend public school.

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