Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16 is Eggs Benedict Day!

NOTE: It is also Darling Daughter's big I feel old!

This is not part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge, but I just couldn't resist letting everyone know to celebrate the incredible edible egg today because it is Eggs Benedict Day. No, I am not into tracking my favorite food awareness days. However, The Pioneer Woman sent me an e-mail today (RSS feed) letting me know it was a cool kinda day like that. I have made her recipe only attempt at this intimidating meal...and had some success. It's really not that hard to make! Try it!

Benedict's on UrbanspoonToday, however, I opted to try a little Breakfast/Brunch/Lunch restaurant in Addison, Texas. It's called Benedict's...what else! I even played my great-big-dork card when I walked in at lunch and asked, "I know y'all are called Benedict's, but do you serve Eggs Benedict?" The friendliest waitress ever to work in a diner immediately started singing the praises of their lovely eggy dish. I don't remember everything she said, but she had me at "everything from scratch." Can I get a D-I-V-I-N-E!?!


  1. I have never had eggs benedict before. They scare me :)

  2. I've never tried them...the recipe turned me off.
