Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Aunt J-Me is in Desperate Need of her Red Dress Moment...

If you haven't discovered Jenny Lawson at The Bloggess dot com, then you are missing out on one of the greatest un-met-yet friends you could ever have. When Jenny writes, her irreverent outlook on the world reminds me that I am not alone...I am only too chicken poo to write what really runs through my brain. For my inner rebel, I embrace this woman, a self-proclaimed better-than-Mother-Teresa (my theory: she's a saint who you wouldn't be uncomfortable to be yourself around; no judgy judgy going on...relief). My suggested reading guide to introduce yourself...start with Beyonce the Metal Chicken and read all about him. Then when you finish laughing and catch your breath, you can look for Jenny's Traveling Red Dress Project, which gets me to my blog for today...

When I saw this beyond-stunning woman's second photo shoot in a red dress and re-read her posts, it dawned on me that I am in desperate, desperate need of a "red dress moment." Jenny wrote, "I want, just once, to wear a bright red, strapless ball gown with no apologies. I want to be shocking, and vivid and wear a dress as intensely amazing as the person I so want to be."

For my entire life I have wanted to be "intensely amazing" and I have spent the last year in desperate search of the woman I want to be. I have survived the greatest heart break of losing my sister friend, I battle daily to overcome chronic anxiety and depression, and I am learning to love myself as much as I love the world. It's time for me to stop wallowing in my misery and step out in the brightest, most shocking, and most vivid me there is.  I need and want my red dress moment.

I have created a check list for the launch of the new me (feel free to throw some assistance if you have an idea or suggestion):

1. Check my wreck and get off my duff.
2. Find a red dress, size 24-26 (I envision a 50s style little number in taffeta or silk; the red should be a cooler red and steer clear of orange red; plus I am not into strapless so much).
3. Day (or two) of, massage, the whole nine yards.
4. Photo shoot...hoping my hubby's cousin will do the honors.

Once I have accomplished my goal, then I want to send my red dress to join the lovely gowns that are already a part of the Traveling Red Dress Project.

Jenny, thank you for inspiring me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You know if I say it three times, I must really mean it.

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