Friday, January 20, 2012


Sister, Gayla
Forever in my heart.
The radiance of the sunshine as it set seemed out of place as I stood in the middle of my parents' four acres to get better signal. A cold sweat mingled with the warm tears, and they trickled down my face as my mind raced around the ugly truth that tasted like salt coating my mouth. Had that man really just said my sister was gone? How had I gotten to this place, and why was I on my knees in the muddy, just-watered lawn? The luminescence of her smile lost forever became a glare on my heart and soul that horrible March day last year.


  1. This was hearbreaking. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  2. oh! I'm so sorry for your loss, so amazingly written!

    1. Thank you, Juliette! I actually started writing on this blog after Sister died as a means of coping. Thank you for visiting!

  3. Bless your heart, Jaimee. I've lost a brother and a dear sister-in-law. I recognize the aches in my heart in your post. Sending a hug! ( - I couldn't comment under my typepad name for some reason.)

    1. Thank you, Barbara, and my condolences on your loss. I pray for your heartache to heal each day even if just a little.

  4. I understand. I know that mud, and I don't remember how I got there either. It is funny that the first thing I missed was my brothers luminescent smile.
    Your writing was emotive, and to the point. You didn't need 300 words to relive that one, horrible moment .. and that isn't easy to do, all things considered, so congrats ... as weird as that feels saying it.
    I'm sorry you lost her.

    1. le Chef, thank you for your kind words and my heart goes out to you. Sister's hugs are the thing I miss the most...she always made a point to hold on and not be the first to release. Thank you for visiting.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss.
